Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I'd never forgive myself

Teenager with peanut allergy dies after a kiss

A Quebec teenager with a peanut allergy has died after kissing her boyfriend who had eaten a peanut butter sandwich hours earlier. Fifteen-year-old Christina Desforges died Monday. She went into anaphylactic shock and in spite of being given an adrenalin shot, could not be revived.

(note: that peanut butter sandwich picture was actually used in the article as a visual!!!)

Dear god I'd never forgive myself! I almost killed my last boyfriend a couple times. I used to call him my Bubble Boy b/c after he started dating me he became allergic to everything, especially seafood. One time I kissed him after eating crab legs. I brushed my teeth but did not floss and his lips blew up like Donald Duck. He had to take a bunch of Benadryl and passed out at 10pm on a Friday night so I sat up and watched TV by myself for a few hours.

Another time I had him come with me to my dad's annual office party at Pappadeux Seafood Kitchen. We told the waiter ahead of time about his allergy and they were going to cook his steak and potatoes on another grill. So we were super careful and I had a bowl of crawfish as an appetizer. The key to truly enjoying crawfish is to "pinch the tail and suck the head". Well one FLEW out of my hand and the meat and all its juices landed all over his face! I was mortified and thank god I didn't have to stab him with his Epi Pen! Yeesh.


At 11:58 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

I'm deathly allergic to cats, as is Ranting Republican and Crossingguard69.

I think I have developed an allergy to liberals as well!

At 12:42 PM , Blogger Military Arms said...

This is one of the most sad news stories... the boy must be devistated. He'll have to live with this mistake his entire life.

At 3:23 PM , Blogger Katy Grimes said...

Talk about a twist of fate. Ouch. Your boyfriend (former) is a lucky one! Is that why he is a former... you were too dangerous?

At 3:56 PM , Blogger supplymadam said...

I read once that if you give a child under 1 year old peanut butter they risk becoming more allergic to peanuts and peanut butter. I'm not sure how true that is maybe it was just someone's theory, but that stinks having to watch out for that,bummer.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

there were a variety of reasons that lead to him being a former. Definitely one of the hardest things I ever had to do.....the fact he's a liberal and comes from a very liberal family didn't help things either.

My family: gun-toting, god-fearing, pro-military Republicans
(Ranting Republican and Crossingguard are my siblings)

Holidays with both our families would have been a jihad!

At 6:45 PM , Blogger Military Arms said...

LOL, I couldn't imagine dating a liberal. I couldn't take them to Christmas dinner, my family would tear them apart. :)

TT, if you ever need a conservative shoulder to cry on, just let me know. :P

At 9:32 PM , Blogger Gyrobo said...

I see nothing wrong with taking people from opposite ends of the political spectrum and forcing them to spend time together.

That's where sitcoms come from.

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 11:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

We all know it was intentional TT...Maybe you didn't, but your subconcious did...

At 11:46 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

you're soooooo funny, you almost made me laugh

At 2:30 AM , Blogger pappy said...

this is what happens when we dont control our tounges


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