Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Would you rather Part 2

Would you rather......

#1 have sex with Bert OR Ernie?

#2 have a website broadcast of all your showers OR all of your bowel movements?

#3 have the power of invincibility OR the power to produce sparks from your fingertips?

#4 every time you entered a room, Darth Vader's theme song played from your crotch OR have genitals that glow like E.T.'s heart whenever you are attracted to someone?


At 12:24 PM , Blogger stuffle said...

#1 - both at the same time, with hot oil... If that is not an option, then Bert.

#2 - showers. Hey, if someone wants to watch a middle aged fat guy take a show, more power to them...

#3 - invincibility, unless it is the black knignt in "The Holy Grail" sort of invicibility...

#4 - glowing genitalia would rule!

At 5:08 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

i'd rather have Darth Vader's music playing when i walk into a room. its so badass

At 7:14 PM , Blogger Military Arms said...

I'll have you know that I have Darth Vaders' sword next to my living room couch and I have this stupid little thing that makes his breathing noises that I live to scare the cats with.

Yes, I'm a geek. Sue me. :)

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

awww, full-auto, too bad you have cats, we can never be.....i'm allergic!

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Military Arms said...

There's always something standing in the way of true love...

If you go on a date with me, I'll shoot the cats just for you. :)

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

now THAT is the funniest thing I've heard all day!

At 4:04 AM , Blogger pappy said...

1. what no big bird?
2. shower untill there is smellavision
3. invincibility I can already to the spark thing
4. dosn't everyones genitalia glow?

At 10:28 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

maybe if you live too close to a power plant!

At 2:21 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

no, but i've wanted to!


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