silly silly kids
Some weird things my students have said/written today while talking about food, nutrition and the digestive system:
"Is the tartar on your teeth the same thing that tartar sauce is made up of?"
"You said that rinsing with water is better than nothing after a meal, can I rinse with Coke instead, I don't drink water."
"Do the fallopian tubes carry your urine from your bladder to the toilet?"
"When people die, can the abominable fluid leak out?" (I think she meant embalming)
-Bad spellings:
VEGETABLE= vedjdiboles
LOSE= looze
ANY= eney
HEALTH= helth
PHASES= fazes
FRUIT= froot
Dear god, what's with kids these days?
Oh crap, you mean I've been spelling froot wrong all of these years? ACK!
now we are DEFINITELY not going out!
Doh! I've had a foot-in-mouth moment already?
C'mon, I have a spell checker on my PDA!
Things could be worse the students could mix up ask and Axe or excuse and execute.
Hookt on fonix werkt fer me.
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