Thursday, July 28, 2005

Stupid Canadian

I clicked on the "next blog" link on the top right of my page and it went straight to this blog. Its unbelieveable. Under the "Truth on Iraq", it actually has a link to Al-Jazzera. Are you freaking kidding me? I'm sure a few people who post on here might find it interesting.

Check out this commie: Not the Country Club

p.s- he's a Canadian so who the hell cares what he thinks about American politics. Go hug a tree, and smoke some weed.

p.p.s- I used to LOVE Canada, but ever since fans at a Montreal Canadiens hockey game turned their backs and booed when The Star Spangled Banner was played, that was it!


At 8:23 AM , Blogger stuffle said...

There are some reasonable Canadians out there, they are just outnumbered a bit... :)

For more reasonable blogs written by Canadians, check out:

Girl on the Right
Just check out the Blogging Tories blogroll...

At 11:13 PM , Blogger crallspace said...

Ever stop to think that maybe it's not Canada that is in the wrong? And, why would you hold it against all Canadians for what happened at some hockey game? Common American dumbass.

Think about all that America is guilty of, especially all the BS lately. Illegal war, illegitimately elected terrorist leader, etc. etc.

Down with Bush, down with the shameful aMerican flag and down with you, you dumb, fat American slob.

"Oh say can you see?--"

BOO!!! Hiss!

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

wow, someone needs to get laid

At 11:43 PM , Blogger William said...

Most definitely!! That picture scares me's so spooky!!

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

For years I was smitten with Canadians and thought that accent was sexy as hell. I dated canadian hockey players and went to visit people up there several times.

But I have to say, I am quite jealous of their socialized health care system. Yep, they're freaking geniuses. (((sarcasm)))

I bet Hillary gets a hard on just thinking about their health care.

At 1:06 PM , Blogger Canadianna said...

Your post really saddened me, because I'd been hoping you guy hadn't noticed our idiots. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them, and they get louder all the time.
The idiots don't speak for all of us, but their voices tend to be the ones that our government responds to, and therefore they're the ones that you hear about.

It might not matter to you at this point, but a lot of us are worried about the direction our country is heading. We look on the US positively, and resent our government and the arrogant losers amongst us who use hyperbole and lies to slag America.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

Thanks so much for posting! It gives me hope for Canada to know there are good people like you up there. Keep up the good work!


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