Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I dated a conspiracy theorist :O

So my last boyfriend is a liberal democrat (although he may disput that). Well, I checked his blog out today and found an interesting entry. I would like to link to it, however, I am trying to stay pretty much anonymous on this blog and his has pics of me on there. Sooooo, I hope he isn't mad but I am going to post his blog entry on here and let you guys have at it:

Ok, so I’ve spent roughly the last three hours reading various political blogs (doh, what was I thinking) because I am becoming increasingly possessed by the Plame / Leak scandal investigation that is close to a climax. In short, I thought it was time I looked into my crystal ball and made a few predictions. Those who know my past work, know that I correctly predicted the Iraqi war, although I did not correctly predict the associated implications of that war. However if I had looked more closely at the halliburton link, I think I might have guessed at some of the other implications.

Regardless, here are some additional predictions.
Regarding Fitzgeralds investigation, I’m operating under the assumption that there will be at least 2 indictments. The first will either by Libby or Rove. The second will, and this is a stretch, be Cheney. If there is only one indictment, it will be Libby, and it will be for something like “obstruction” or “Perjury”. However, if there is more than one indictment, then all bets are off. The second indictment will force Cheney out of the office of Veep, allowing Prez to nominate someone for the position. Although, health reasons might be the “official” reason for the departure from office. The next Veep will either be Guiliani or McCain. It will be the former if Bush expects to serve the remainder of his term without additional legal problems - and assuming he isn’t named as an unindicted co-conspirator. The latter nomination will be the result of some amount of concern that Bush will not be able to complete his term.

These are both potential presidential candidates, and in either situation, it gives them a huge head start over potential Democratic front runner Gore. Sounds nuts, right? You’ll think I’m even more nuts when I reveal Gore’s most likely running mate - Obama. I think we’d have 70% turnout among African Americans, and 90% in Illinois for that ticket.

Then what? Beyond that it really gets too fuzzy for me to predict. I am guessing that Fitzgerald will definately file charges stemming from his investigation. I am not so certain that he will have enough ammo to go after any of the senior positions in the white house. However, if you follow my line of thinking, it becomes a possibility.

1.) After Cooper @ Time revealed that Rove was *his* source, contradicting previous testimony, Rove offered up Libby in an effort to deflect almost certain criminal charges. Realizing that he was toast, Libby attempted to hide what he new by not releasing a personal waiver to Miller, while she sat in jail. Now, she has some role in this, and probably has something to hide as well, and I’m sure it relates back to the White House. But beyond that, once she got out, Fitzgerald used her testimony to disprove Whatever Libby had already told him.

2.) Libby, after being unsuccessful in his attempt to keep things covered up, realized his only way to avoid jail time was to start elaborating on previous conversations as part of the WHIG, among other things. This is what leads to Cheney. But then how far does it go from there? I’m not going to speculate on that part because there are some stunning implications.
For instance, following the above line of reasoning, some question of “motive” has to come up. Clearly that motive for Cheney is profit. Looking at others who possibly profited from a war in Iraq leads even further back, possibly all the way back to September 11th. This is bad news and explains a lot about the heel dragging of the september11th commission. I am NOT willing to go that far, but I know others will.

Even if you don’t go that far, if there is proof that Cheney orchestrated the discrediting of Joeseph Wilson regarding his trip to Niger, then there is some question to whether or not Cheney or Bush new that the intel they were working on as a lead up to Iraq was phoney ahead of time. If they new ahead of time, Bush might be on the hook for lying to congress at the state of the union. Now, again, that is like some wild leftwingnut conspiracy theory, but its worth speculating on because you KNOW that there are people out there who will try to take that line of reasoning as a way to get the President impeached.

I AM NOT in favor of leftwingnuts going after the president just because they don’t like him. I think that would be bad and just make life in this country worse. But forget all that and just know this: if we have a conspiracy charge, and the president is named as an unindicted co-conspirator, we will have a major economic and political crisis on our hands. If you follow me all the way to Cheney, then the reasoning behind bush being involved in the charges becomes a real possibility. (edit, the above paragraph is me being tired and getting too far down the pit of “conspiracy junkies”. I’ll leave it in, though.)

Fitzgerald began “cleaning up Chicago” Elliott Ness style by first going after little fish with minor connections to city government. He was able to flip little fish, and keep going up the chain of command, until he finally got in to charges against people in City Hall. Eventually even the Mayor will likely face some charges if the investigation continuess. I have a feeling that the same thing is happening here, but on a much larger scale. By flipping the people lower on the ladder, Fitzgerald is slowly working up to some pretty significant charges. My only concern is that there will be conspiracy charges, because those will be both hard to prove and fairly damaging to our economy (because political instability is generally bad for business.)

Now, Cheney has a good reason to retire before facing charges: he has lucrative stock options from his time at Halliburton, a deferred salary that he can’t collect on until after he is out of public office, oh, and its probably a lot less stressful to roll around in your scrooge-mcduck sized vault than it is to be the number 2 person in our Government. (note, this smacks of editorializing, but I can’t think of a better reason to retire than between 1 and 8 million dollars worth of deferred salary and stock options - especially if i’m having health problems which are made worse by stress).

I want to reitorate incase I wasn’t clear above: I think there will be charges because of the Plame leak and I think those charges will extend as far as the Veep’s office. I AM NOT advocating for anything that goes beyond what the evidence provides. I don’t want to see a witch hunt, I don’t want to see our president made a fool of because he either allowed a conspiracy to happen, or was part of one. But I do want to see Fitzgerald do his thing and just get the facts right.

Ultimately, all I want is a Charles-Dickens-Like resolution to this whole mess. (In Charles Dickens novels, no matter what, the “bad guys” always get their “come-uppance” by the end of the novel. And by “bad guys” I mean whoever it was that broke the law.)


At 3:37 PM , Blogger NewsGnome said...

Tori, first let me congratulate you on dumping a conspiracy theorist fiberal (my word found on my blog "Accepting the MENSA challenge" a Washington Post challenge June 10, 2005, I like you already.

Since were making predictions, I wouldn't leave out Miller and Cooper as potential targets. I predict Rove is off the hook and the fibs will go crazy. Libby will get a slap on the wrist because Plame's covert status was expired and most of the other charges will be dumped as trivial.

Go get-em teach...good blog NG

Adding your blog to the list.

At 5:01 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

We did not break up because we have different political views. Sure it didn't help things but we did have some heated debates around election time.

I would LOVE a Gore/Obama ticket. Imagine the fun we could have?? Especially if we had Condi as a Veep candidate b/c that could help offset the black vote.

I'd rather have those two idiots than Hillary!

At 5:13 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

I guess I should put in a retraction here......I suppose he's not a conspiracy theorist all the time.....but this is one of those times.

At 7:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

has anyone read Condi v. Hillary yet? I'm really curious about it - I think I may jsut have to go buy it...but the thought of buying and reading more books when I've spent over $900 on books this semester is a little daunting...

Oh well - off to Barnes and Noble I go...or anyway...

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

wow - no kidding. That book sounds good. I don't think Condi would be our top candidate, but I do think she would make a great VP. It's supposed to be a very interesting book though, Morris bases a lot of his theories on demographics and statistics - which I always like - and I guess the book starts as Hillary is being sworn into office. That part would likely make me lose my lunch, but the book still may be interesting - maybe I'll have to just wait for someone else to buy it and borrow it. Spending money on the Millionaire Repubican sounds pretty worthwhile though :)

At 11:58 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

is that a proposition eddie?

At 1:44 PM , Blogger Katy Grimes said...

Oh My! I love "Fiberal."
I also recently learned "sheeple," to describe the idiots who blindly follow (libs).

Adn Eddie, you are so right; conservative men are the only way to go. They WORK for a living as well.

I'm raising a very conservative male. So far, so good...

Great post Tori.

At 1:52 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

jen, I cannot take credit for the post, my last boyfriend wrote it.

Somehow, I have never dated a republican....not sure why.

At 6:55 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Idiot - that last theory of yours holds no water here.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

yeah crossingguard, your 4.0 isn't good enough!

At 9:20 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"i'd take jolie over simpson every days of the week."

That's not exactly grammatically correct either.

At 9:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

my point is that this is stupid - we all make spelling and grammatical errors on this thing...let it go.

At 10:09 AM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

Dick Morris has a book out "Hillary vs. Condi" looks interesting.

I think Condi would get 50% of the black vote.

At 3:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This is the dumbest commentary ever - TT - please post something new because the comments on this are making me dumber each time I look at your blog.

(luckily for me - I'm pretty damn smart, so it'll take while for me to sink to Idiot's level)

At 5:37 PM , Blogger pappy said...

After comming back from Maui the first thing I need to do is to tell you never post a statement like that. If I was you and if you want to stay "pretty much anonymous" I would delete this whole post. Dont worry your anonymity is safe with me.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger pappy said...

american idiot, you sound like someone who had his heart broken. Get over it

At 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect name "American Idiot"

At 5:32 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

i've missed you pappy!!!

At 5:33 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

pappy, did you scroll down and see those good injury pics?

At 9:21 PM , Blogger pappy said...

I saw them ouch!


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