Monday, October 10, 2005

Interesting Quote

"How does one artfully say that out of a small percentage of America's population—13 percent—blacks account for 37.2 percent of all those arrested for violent crimes, 54.4 percent of all robbery arrestees, and are the known offenders in 51.3 percent of all murders? The murder rate in the city of New Orleans stands at over 7.5 times the national average, and authorities convict only one in four arrested for homicide. Speaking of 'inartful,' back in 1993, a noted civil rights leader made the following comment: 'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.' The speaker? Jesse Jackson. Despite calls to do so, [William] Bennett, as of this writing, refuses to apologize [for his comments regarding blacks, crime and utilitarian abortion]... To so-called 'civil rights leaders' offended by Bennett's remarks, consider this: As between urban crime and Bill Bennett's 'inartful' comments, which poses a bigger threat to the health, growth and prosperity of the black community?" —Larry Elder


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