Friday, October 21, 2005

ahhh HA!

So this is where all these libs crawled out from beneath:

The Democratic Underground

p.s. I must say, its nice to be in a red state right now!!!! I love Ohio!


At 9:25 AM , Blogger stuffle said...

The funny thing is, if you go over there and actually read their comments, it is the same type of mindless blather they have been spewing here, only without the ad hominem attacks.

It is like a bunch of 12 year olds high fiving each other for acting like a bunch of asses. Quite humorous.

At 11:28 AM , Blogger stuffle said...

And some might argue that Tori and Eddie are being immature for not letting cars with Democratic or liberal bumperstickers merge into their lanes of traffic.

Only someone without a working brain... Someone who was acutally in possession of a working brain that they actually used would have seen the little smiley after TT's statement and realized it was a light hearted joke, and gotten on with their lives.

At 11:47 AM , Blogger stuffle said...

adrianne said: All I see on this blog is hate and ignorance.

Really? Let's, reading from the bottom up I see:

1. a post with Letterman's top-10 list basically poking fun at Bush's pick for SCOTUS

2. A post about the Cubs and White Sox

3. A link to an insightful op-ed piece

4. A prayer request

5. A light hearted poke at libs in traffic

6. A light hearted look at club Gitmo

7. A light hearted poke at all the lefty haters who evidently can't tollerate light hearted pokes at their driving or their bumper stickers

8. A post pointing out where all these nut-jobs are coming from

So far, I don't see much in the way of actual hate. AAMOF, to see any actual hate, I have to start reading the ad hominem attacks from the lefties who evidently can't tollerate people poking fun at their bumper stickers or their driving.

At 5:36 PM , Blogger stuffle said...

TWO - ya did well on mine, of course, you may have just looked at my profile... :)

At 5:38 PM , Blogger stuffle said...

While we are on the subject, when I am stuck in traffic, I enjoy watching people get all pissed off about shit that they have no control over in the first place. Pretty funny when it happens.

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I flashback to movie scenes like the beginning of Office Space where he's stuck in traffic and every other lane moves except the one he is in...story of my life.

At 7:51 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

So, before I head out to the bars, I'd like to defend my blog. If you were to take a minute and look at old posts of mine, you'd see they're probably 50% political, 25% teaching, and 25% other random things.

The hate started when my blog was put up on that website. Otherwise, its been fun, insightful and quirky. I welcome people with other points of view because thats how we get better expressing our viewpoints.

While I may not agree with most liberals, I am not a blind republican. I am pro-choice, basically don't care if gays marry, am for stem cell research and oppose abstinence-only education.

Its the Bush-haters that piss me off. How someone could loathe and wish kidney failure on someone is beyond me. I've never seen such hate in my entire life. Its quite sad in my eyes.

Some people need to seriously lighten up in this crazy world. Now I'm going to go have fun at my old college, forget about my "Adult" life full of responsiblities and drinkie lots of beer.

At 10:27 PM , Blogger sandy said...

One of the complaints most common among the liberals who comment here is being unable to post anonymously or being banned after a blog gets tired of their offensive comments.

The blogger is accused of being closed minded. Yet, if you try to trackback to their blog. a lot of them can't be found. I guess they don't want their blogs jammed with all the BS they put out. Take the watchful one for example. He/she is actually someone that goes by "the night owl". TWO, how about putting a link here to your blog.

At 11:57 PM , Blogger sandy said...

teacher tori, since you are in Ohio, perhaps you could visit my blog and check out my last post. Your friends there might help.

Anyone else that either lives in California or is familiar with props 78 and 79, feel free to comment.

At 12:17 AM , Blogger pappy said...

Back in my youth I was a firefighter paramedic in Dayton really liked it there.

At 3:28 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

yeah, I got shouted at all the time by libs....flicked off too..and not because of my bad driving b/c I'm a Driver Ed. teacher!

I don't mind people coming in here and commenting, I find it interesting. It just gets annoying when it resorts to name calling and immature attacks. From now on if there are really rude comments and name calling, I will delete those posts.

But you can bring your DU henchman and I have my posse so may be best, smartest bloggers win :) (no questions who that'll be, elephants kick ass!!)

At 2:26 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

once again, cutting off and not letting libs in when they are waiting are two different things

At 2:26 PM , Blogger Teacher Tori said...

go read your rules of the road book


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